The first day we saw some great tennis action from Taylor Dent

who was nice enough to hit one of the 'prize' balls to me after he won his match, perhaps with a little persuasion from the friendly prize ball girl...
I won a player's towel... (which i hope they improve the quality of next year... Berdych complained about the towels)....
We also saw a great match with Marcos Baghdatis and Asia #1 Lu Yen Hsun from Taiwan. Baghdatis is one of the most entertaining players to watch on the tour... It was a real pleasure to watch him win this match in 3 hard fought sets.
The tournament was really top class. The venue and the court was excellent...a very exciting group of players . They even had a hawkeye system installed and I could finally get a look at the hi-res cameras that make it work. As an engineer , I've always been fascinated by the technology behind hawkeye... Click here to read an excellent explanation of how hawkeye works.
All in all, it was a great tournament and an incredibly good value opportunity to see world class tennis right here in Malaysia... no need to travel around the world ...can see closer and better live next year in Kuala Lumpur....