The PSC put two teams into the other YB Dato Freddy Choong Cup competition (the annual match against Hat Yai is also referred to as Freddy Choong Cup ) on 18-19 Oct. The Freddy Choong Cup is for veterans 45 and above. Our PSC Red Team had a bye the first round and defeated FTS in the semi-final 2-1 . Our Red Team went on to win the final against Penang CRC 2-0.
The PSC Black team cleverly avoided a PSC vs PSC clash by losing in the first round and going on to victory in the Plate competition.
Our Captain, Loo Choo Teng, generously hosted a wonderful dinner at a Chinese Restaurant for both the teams as well as the tennis committee...
Well done PSC and congratulations to all the players and participants in this year's YB Dato Freddy Choong Cup.